Thursday, October 25, 2012

Days 21 & 22 - Sea Days

More sea days…ho…hum…I know we should be grateful to be on vacation and to be out here in the middle of the beautiful Atlantic, but I’m about ready to jump overboard and swim home!!   Way too much time to ourselves!

Have done a few interesting things though.  Watched a cake decorating demonstration by the pastry chef and a turkey carving demonstration by several of the head chefs.  They make it look so easy J  Mine never come out that way!

Also, one of the people on our roll call set up iPad/iPhone classes and they have been great.  I’ve learned quite a few hints about using both my iPad and iPhone…like swiping up with four fingers to see which apps are open and how to close them so I’m not using so much battery life…how to take a screenshot by pressing the home and power button at the same time.  Also learned about a lot of great apps to use for everyday as well as for travel and learned more about using the camera on my iPhone.  Kudos to this great couple for taking the time before and during the cruise to plan and implement these great classes! 

Speaking of technology, I am amazed at the number of “old people” on the ship who have ipads, nooks and kindles.   They are everywhere!   I guess people of all ages are realizing that you no longer need to carry lots of books or even games with you when you travel.  Just tuck your iPad under your arm and you’re ready to go!!

Speaking of “old people”, Bill and I saw one young couple on the ship today…we’re thinking they must be honeymooners.  Must feel pretty strange to know that everyone else on the ship is at least 25 years older than you!!   Well…not really…there are 5 kids on boards...two youngsters about 3 & 4 who are with their parents and grandparents (they were also at our hotel in Venice) and three young girls about 9 or 10 or so.  I’m guessing they are sisters or cousins cause they are always together.   Lots of people our age (or so it seems) and just a few who are a lot older (again, or so it seems). 

Did pizza and a movie again at MUTS tonight…saw Man on a Ledge.  It was a pretty good movie and you couldn’t beat the price!!!

Ahhh…we know the cruise is coming to end soon…we got our disembarkation luggage tags today.   We don’t leave the ship until 10:15 am on Sunday which means by the time we get to the rental car place and get our car we won’t be out of Ft. Lauderdale until 11 or so and won’t be home until probably after 4 PM…figuring we’ll most likely stop for lunch.  Thanks to Lynda and John back in The Villages we won’t have to worry about dinner…they’ve invited us over as they know we won’t have anything in the house….You guys are the BEST!!!

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